We develop 2D and 3D nano/ microstructured biocompatible substrates and scaffolds, also chemically functionalized, produced with top down and bottom up techniques to actively interact with biological material (cells, tissues). We insert topographical, physical and/or biochemical instructions in our scaffolds, by exploiting thermoplastic, elastomeric, and polymer-based materials, with a special focus on biodegradable and natural polymers. We apply our nanoscaffolds in patho-physiological models, in vitro and in vivo, with the aim to:
- improve tissue regeneration (e.g. in peripheral nerve injury models)
- study the molecular mechanisms underlying mechanosensing, cell-environment and cell-cell interactions in patho-physiological conditions (e.g. autism spectrum, neuro-developmental and degenerative disorders)
In particular, our interest in this field focuses on nanoscaffolds to study and cure the peripheral and central nervous system.

People | Antonella Battisti, Marco Cecchini, Chiara De Cesari, Mariacristina Gagliardi, Roberta Mezzena, Luca Scaccini, Ilaria Tonazzini* |
Keywords | Nano/microstructured substrates, scaffolds, biodegradable polymers, cell models, tissue regeneration, mechanotrasduction |
Methods, techniques | Nano/micro-structured substrates, nanoimprint lithography, soft lithography, solvent casting, cell cultures |
Projects | |
Regione Toscana, Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione (FCS)- Bando assegni di ricerca 2021, and Fondazione Pisana per la Scienza. Isolation and molecular characterization of neuronal exosomes in models of neurodevelopmental disorders- END– (2022-2024). | |
MIUR, PRIN Bando 2020. Project: “Touch on a chip- TOAC” (2022-2024). | |
Marie S. Curie Individual Fellowship 2017. Study of neuronal sensing and migration/guidance dynamics in neurodevelopmental disorders by nano-engineered chips- NeuroGuide (2018-2019) | |
Fondazione Umberto Veronesi Post-doctoral grants. Nanotechnologies to unravel the Role of Ube3a protein in Neuronal contact sensing and cytoskeleton structural dynamics (2015-2017) | |
Collaborations | |
Prof. Stefania Raimondo and Giovanna Gambarotta, Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi, University of Turin (IT). | |
Dott. Andrea Poggetti, Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria Careggi- Chirurgia della Mano e Microchirurgia, Firenze (IT) | |
Publications | |
R Mezzena, A Del Grosso, RM Pellegrino, H Alabed, C Emiliani, I Tonazzini, M Cecchini Mechanotransduction impairment in primary fibroblasts from a murine model of Krabbe disease. Biomedicines 2023 | |
L. Scaccini, R. Mezzena, A. De Masi, M. Gagliardi, G. Gambarotta, M. Cecchini, I. Tonazzini. Chitosan Micro-Grooved Membranes with Increased Asymmetry for the Improvement of the Schwann Cell Response in Nerve Regeneration. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021 | |
R. Mezzena, C. Masciullo, S. Antonini, F. Cremisi, M. Scheffner, M. Cecchini, I. Tonazzini Study of adhesion and migration dynamics in ubiquitin E3A ligase (UBE3A)-silenced SYSH5Y neuroblastoma cells by micro-structured surfaces Nanotechnology 2020 | |
I. Tonazzini, C. Masciullo, E. Savi, A. Sonato, F. Romanato, M. Cecchini. Neuronal contact guidance and YAP signaling on ultra-small nanogratings. Sci Rep 2020 | |
I. Tonazzini, GM Van Woerden, C. Masciullo, EJ. Mientjes, Ype Elgersma, M. Cecchini. The role of ubiquitin ligase E3A in polarized contact guidance and rescue strategies in UBE3A-deficient hippocampal neuronse. Mol Autism 2019 | |
I. Tonazzini, S. Meucci, GM. Van Woerden, Y. Elgersma, M. Cecchini. Impaired Neurite Contact Guidance in Ubiquitin Ligase E3a (Ube3a)‐Deficient Hippocampal Neurons on Nanostructured Substrates. Adv health mater 2016 | |
I. Tonazzini, E. Jacchetti, S. Meucci, F. Beltram, M. Cecchini. Schwann Cell Contact Guidance versus Boundary Interaction in Functional Wound Healing along Nano and Microstructured Membranes. Adv health mater 2015 |